My Business Minded Friend

I have a friend who is staying at Nevada now. She used to be one of the business minded in my group of friends. I was really happy when I discover this news from her that she has her own business. A dream comes true for her because she finally got her own business and it’s in the foreign country. She said her business started out small and then now have branches in the local areas in Nevada. She also plans to expand it here in the Philippines and have her family manage it. All the sacrifices she and her family are all worth it now. I still remember one of our memorable moments together, that was a Valentines Days. My friend was thinking of selling something that is ideal for Valentines Day. Her mom had to ask a cash advance to her boss so that my friend will have a capital. She made a colorful and yummy chocolate cookies which were beautifully pack in a heart box. We sold lots of it and there are more orders coming even on the next day. It was a tiring yet fun Valentines Day. We were able to earn and met a lot of new friends.

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